Accountability Check-In May 18th-24th

This week’s update.

The Good

Affirmations: 7 days out of 7

Meditate 20mins: 6.5 days out of 7 (partial)

Exercise (sweat): 5.5 days out of 7 (partial)

80 Push-ups: 5.5 days out of 7

Beer/wine: 4 servings (goal 3-5)

Write 1000 words: 5 days out of 7

Stoic coursework: 4.5 days out of 7

Snacking: Avoided 4.5 days out of 7

The Bad

Wake-up routine: 4 days out of 7 (2 full, 4 partial, 1 missed day)

The Ugly

Procrastination: Fully met goals 1 day out of 7; partially 3 days out of 7; missed 3 days out 7)

Notes and comments: Looking at the tracker, it was clear Friday was the toughest day, probably because of an unrelated issue the same day. Thursday was a struggle, though, as well. So on Saturday and Sunday I went a little lighter on myself. The overall goal of more structure is in place and hasn’t changed, but those weren’t the days to push.

The wake up routine I think was unachievable in part because it required me to do like six things—probably a little much for first thing. Will revisit it this week in a simplified form and see if that works better.

On the whole, this has been a very useful exercise and I look forward to see how it evolves!